George Clay
REAL time follow-up calls mean you engage your prospects with some inter-active, one to one Q&A. These calls?establish good rapport?forward the sales process..and keep your prospects and your customers from drifting away.
But?most salespeople are too busy or just don?t want to make those calls.
Follow-up?process? There is none! ?Just farm out the sales leads and leave it to each sales person to bring home the bacon.
Is this how your sales team operates?
Ready to change how you organize and process your lead generation call backs?
Try these tips for getting on track with your follow up calls.
- Use phone marketing to renew relationships with lapsed clients and build your customer base.
- Follow-up calls to your house list are especially important. They build customer loyalty and help keep customers from drifting away.
- Be on time with your follow-up sales calls. Prompt follow-up separates you from the competition and helps build long lasting business relationships.
- Today?s B2B appointment setting strategy is all about building relationships. And that takes time. The key is follow-up calls. They keep you in front of your prospects.
- Work your follow-up calls into a methodical strategy that moves your prospects through your sales funnel?educating and informing them about what you can do for them.
Category: Lead Generation & Appointment Setting
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