Thursday, February 21, 2013

Military working dogs changing the face of warfare

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And -- Thursday night Animal Planet -- a special call glory hounds which documents the way military working dogs are changing the face of warfare.

How embedded camera crews followed dogs in the military handle looser some of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan.

As they hunt down insurgents and sniff out.

Improvised explosive devices now cameras were rolling when air force staff sergeant.

Len Anderson and his canine partner -- what targeted by an insurgent an attack -- IED watch this.

Remember it's.

-- yeah.

You a good match.

Ever since our Henderson's dog news right next to me it's unfair to hold -- the dog -- Go back ourselves quite a few people are going to -- factor working sorry Anderson.

And at least two more guys Gary.

Let me once it's an -- work.

-- yeah.

And she actually -- clear enough.

There was a lot of road more than crossing of the show -- security for unveils its.

Going down to -- -- -- guys -- get him to do just you know.

Now staff sergeant Anderson has been recuperating from his injuries in San Antonio and -- Miraculously did not get hurt and after going through a lot of red tape positives adoption has finally been made official.

And they both join us now -- -- to say thank you for being here thank you very much terms of chaos Ariel.



A cute dog not I'm I was asking you what -- plane that do you remember.

This device going off and you said you do remember the explosion.

I actually don't remember any.

Think from the day but the actual explosion itself.

About being in the suspense and there -- sort of felt like -- that's about all I remember and they the cameraman he.

We we kind of knew each other from the get go and you know you try to common elements from his words and -- that that's about it how.

How hard is it to watch that video.

Well I'm here today so you know it it's a reality that I knew I was getting myself into want to win over there you know it's what assignment to do -- -- -- the on the show and -- I'm still here so it's not not as far.

You're supposed to stay on base.

But why and then you decide you made the decision to go out why.

Well basically I was replace and they can master.

Which means you know the -- you administratively in charge of the guys there and responsible for tasking and whatnot.

Well he still had -- about another month.

You know left in countries so I decided realize that sounds and as -- it.

You know go out -- -- and -- that way when I got a new guys you know the new guys and there were asking questions about the you know -- and what's going on in the area rather than them trying to piece together -- proposal.

I could give them you know on the ground feedback how did tell us about the extent of your injuries obviously.

-- -- you've lost fingers and what else I have I have suffered deep tissue damage some of my -- Where the slowing got so bad had to cut through my muscles.

Had -- been replaced from -- my initial left shoulder and so my left leg their resumes other have to amputate both.

You know that -- got taken off the table as a -- Seven and abdomen wound broken -- socket.

Broken left arm and six finger amputations.

And then.

My left hand was pretty much useless so I decided to take do an -- invitation to -- You did that you did decide you made that the citizens.

Tell us about Gaza -- the story -- how long was was Ozzie a partner.

-- and -- been together about a year and a half now.

She'd been with me about a year before we didn't really get a word in country and we -- so that she's easy on loving dog.

I can see that she's resting she's she's retired but you know she's always been a turn on turn off -- dog or is -- You know do the business and then afterwards just fine thank you view gave Europe a word now she would attack me because there -- my -- -- what -- do.

-- You know you are being very aggressive and hostile right now since you probably look around and and -- you know pinpoint someone who's being -- putter on alert.

And -- you would -- to move so dissimilar word and then there's an attack -- exactly.

And so what sealer worked watch.

She is that a little an interest in Connecticut that's so she's retired she did you have to puts an emphasis in the you do -- -- the dogs are off -- use -- -- accusing him and and so now you you're able to adopted but that's not easy to do right that's stood otherwise there's some paperwork has to get through the -- You know there's certain processes just like anything else in the military.

So once we once we went through the process and talk the veterinarian and everything -- approved which took a little bit and then she eventually came home.

Well we're glad you're home safe and -- a real hero.

Great dog and that it that's.

That shows how tough.

All the military what that are out there fighting of the days that they have to deal with students about non starter it's not about me now -- rough and didn't want since then that's but it definitely remember.

Thank you for being here there's not an initiative Gaza.

Don't say watch whatever you do have to -- that and glory -- by the way premieres Thursday night 8 PM Animal Planet but that's all the time we have left this evening as always.


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