Thursday, October 11, 2012

Here's what's been exhausting for me lately... Culture Rebel

I love listening to Keith Waara. ?He?s got some great insight on? well.. a lot of things! ?He was able to nail right on the head what I?ve been struggling with in regards to releasing my book, Culture Rebel. ?Let me tell you what he said.

Before I do that, let?s back up for a moment. ?If you?ve been one who has asked me, ?So how?s it feel to be the author of a newly released book?!?, and I?ve just stared at you blank, I finally know why. ?It?s been a hard question to answer. ?I love writing and normally love marketing, but an ugly tension has been pulling and tugging on me with this book release; a tension I don?t know what to do with. ?A tension I don?t like!

In my book, I talk about my journey of serving ME to noticing others. ?Of all the heart-journey?s I?ve been on, this one has been my favourite ? not the process, but the outcome. ?I was so saturated in ME, it?s been refreshing to notice others and the needs around me. ?Of course, I?m no Mother Teresa! ?I have my days (for example) where I still go buy a hat just because my hair?s not quite right. ?Yup, I?m that lame. ?Don?t worry, it happened just before speaking to a group of young adults in Edmonton where I humbly confessed to them what a pathetic culture rebel I am sometimes?

In attempts to try to get my eyes off ME, I?ve released a book that I now need to sell. ??Buy MY book?. ??Check out MY message?. ??You can book ME for your next event?. ?Ah geesh! ?We?re right back at ME again. ?Keith spoke on this very subject. ?He said, ?Living ME Is Exhausting?. ?That caught me. ?I thought to myself, ?YES!? ?The rest of his message wrecked me and I hope it can stick in my spirit for the long term. ?Allow me to share with you.

Here are my random notes from Keith?s message

- It?s exhausting to constantly wonder what people think of ME, how much approval I?m getting, MY success.

- we can?t think about community or WE when we?re consumed with ME.

- we need to explore what WE looks like in an individualistic society.

- A recent Maclean?s magazine article stated that 51% of young adults feel hopeless. ?Some of these young adults attend some of the best Universities in the country, have all the opportunity in the world open for them and are the target of pretty much all media, marketing and culture campaigns and yet they still feel hopeless and have been committing suicide! ?This shows the message of ME isn?t fulfilling.


I want to embrace the WE. ?I want to live where WE can all thrive and my eyes are off ME, yet it seems like everywhere I turn around in our culture (and even in christian culture) we are encouraged to think and act individualistically. ?Again, ?Buy MY book?. ??Check out MY podcast?. ?What I?m starting to wonder is how does the concept of WE work in a consumer-driven Christianity and world? ?How do we bust out of that and create a new norm? ? It?s something I?m wrestling with as of late.

What would it look like if marketing targeted the concept of WE? ?How would that change messages we see splattered on billboards? ?How would the idea of ?platform? change if done from a context of community? ?I?m hungry for more. ?Individualism leaves me empty.

Living ME is exhausting.

Follow Keith on twitter to find out more great things he says. ?@KeithWaara



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