Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising ...

User ID: 26056238
United States
10/22/2012 06:30 PM
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Report Copyright Violation2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!2016: Obama's America is available for rent on pay per view thru directv. I watch a reasonable amount of TV, and take a look at all the new movie listings for pay per view each Tuesday. I have not seen it listed, nor have I seen any advertising for the rental like other movies.

Just did a google search for "when does 2016 come out on pay per view" and it had already been released. Directv is a liberal POS company, and I am considering cancelling my service with them.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 22342469
United States
10/22/2012 06:40 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!Why do you even watch TV in the first place?

THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? Not the awful sitcoms, the terrible reality shows, the fake news, the constant barrage of brainwashing?

It's good that you're getting rid of your TV subscription but jeez, wake up!

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 26056238
United States
10/22/2012 06:43 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!Why do you even watch TV in the first place?

THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? Not the awful sitcoms, the terrible reality shows, the fake news, the constant barrage of brainwashing?

It's good that you're getting rid of your TV subscription but jeez, wake up!

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22342469

Oh ffs u for real? So I like to watch TV and be entertained by it, that means I can't make my own mind up, and I have to asleep? I think you need your meds buddy.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 25812007
United States
10/22/2012 06:59 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!2016: Obama's America is available for rent on pay per view thru directv. I watch a reasonable amount of TV, and take a look at all the new movie listings for pay per view each Tuesday. I have not seen it listed, nor have I seen any advertising for the rental like other movies.

Just did a google search for "when does 2016 come out on pay per view" and it had already been released. Directv is a liberal POS company, and I am considering cancelling my service with them.

?Quoting: CANCELLING MY DIRECTV 26056238

Actually, they're not. Directv is actually an offshoot of Hughes, a major defense contractor and important part of the Military-Industrial Complex. They pioneered many of America's satellite systems for the Pentagon in the early years.

Here is some wiki:

Hughes Space and Communications Company
See also: Boeing Satellite Development Center

Hughes Space and Communications Company was formed as a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft in 1961 following the merger of the company's Space and Communications Group and the Hughes Space Systems Division.[4] This division built the world's first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom, in 1963 and followed it closely with the first geosynchronous weather satellite, A/TS-1, in 1966. Later that year their Surveyor 1 made the first soft landing on the Moon as part of the lead-up to the moon landings in Project Apollo. Hughes also built Pioneer Venus in 1978, which performed the first extensive radar mapping of Venus, and the Galileo probe that flew to Jupiter in the 1990s.[4] The company built nearly 40 percent of commercial satellites in service worldwide in 2000.[8]

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 26056238
United States
10/22/2012 07:01 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!2016: Obama's America is available for rent on pay per view thru directv. I watch a reasonable amount of TV, and take a look at all the new movie listings for pay per view each Tuesday. I have not seen it listed, nor have I seen any advertising for the rental like other movies.

Just did a google search for "when does 2016 come out on pay per view" and it had already been released. Directv is a liberal POS company, and I am considering cancelling my service with them.

?Quoting: CANCELLING MY DIRECTV 26056238

Actually, they're not. Directv is actually an offshoot of Hughes, a major defense contractor and important part of the Military-Industrial Complex. They pioneered many of America's satellite systems for the Pentagon in the early years.

Here is some wiki:

Hughes Space and Communications Company
See also: Boeing Satellite Development Center

Hughes Space and Communications Company was formed as a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft in 1961 following the merger of the company's Space and Communications Group and the Hughes Space Systems Division.[4] This division built the world's first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom, in 1963 and followed it closely with the first geosynchronous weather satellite, A/TS-1, in 1966. Later that year their Surveyor 1 made the first soft landing on the Moon as part of the lead-up to the moon landings in Project Apollo. Hughes also built Pioneer Venus in 1978, which performed the first extensive radar mapping of Venus, and the Galileo probe that flew to Jupiter in the 1990s.[4] The company built nearly 40 percent of commercial satellites in service worldwide in 2000.[8]

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25812007

So why do they not advertise this movie? Not in the new movie list, nor advertised as other movies are when they're released.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 25812007
United States
10/22/2012 07:05 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!2016: Obama's America is available for rent on pay per view thru directv. I watch a reasonable amount of TV, and take a look at all the new movie listings for pay per view each Tuesday. I have not seen it listed, nor have I seen any advertising for the rental like other movies.

Just did a google search for "when does 2016 come out on pay per view" and it had already been released. Directv is a liberal POS company, and I am considering cancelling my service with them.

?Quoting: CANCELLING MY DIRECTV 26056238

Actually, they're not. Directv is actually an offshoot of Hughes, a major defense contractor and important part of the Military-Industrial Complex. They pioneered many of America's satellite systems for the Pentagon in the early years.

Here is some wiki:

Hughes Space and Communications Company
See also: Boeing Satellite Development Center

Hughes Space and Communications Company was formed as a subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft in 1961 following the merger of the company's Space and Communications Group and the Hughes Space Systems Division.[4] This division built the world's first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom, in 1963 and followed it closely with the first geosynchronous weather satellite, A/TS-1, in 1966. Later that year their Surveyor 1 made the first soft landing on the Moon as part of the lead-up to the moon landings in Project Apollo. Hughes also built Pioneer Venus in 1978, which performed the first extensive radar mapping of Venus, and the Galileo probe that flew to Jupiter in the 1990s.[4] The company built nearly 40 percent of commercial satellites in service worldwide in 2000.[8]

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25812007

So why do they not advertise this movie? Not in the new movie list, nor advertised as other movies are when they're released.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26056238

That I don't know, but I can tell you of all the major TV services they are the most independent. They've been fighting the federal government for years on fees. taxes, licensing, regulations and price hikes. Comcast on the other hand is in bed with NBC/General Electric and Obama since 2008. Comcast is the worst out of all of them!

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 22342469
United States
10/22/2012 08:50 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!Why do you even watch TV in the first place?

THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? Not the awful sitcoms, the terrible reality shows, the fake news, the constant barrage of brainwashing?

It's good that you're getting rid of your TV subscription but jeez, wake up!

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22342469

Oh ffs u for real? So I like to watch TV and be entertained by it, that means I can't make my own mind up, and I have to asleep? I think you need your meds buddy.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 26056238

Yep. I'm for real, and I'm mocking you if you think that TV is in any way, shape, or form, entertaining.


User ID: 26114783
United States
10/22/2012 09:12 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: 2016 AVAILABLE on PAY per VIEW, DIRECTV does NO advertising for IT!

its in RedBox too in my area.

Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2025835/pg1

grammy nominations lil boosie bobbi kristina brown new edition austerity rihanna and chris brown back together pebble beach

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